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Revision as of 11:57, 25 May 2020

Imagine Design Create Inspire


How do you solve a problem??? Over the years of solving problems... and looking for the pattern... I have summarized the process as a 4 step process... Once a problem is identified, the steps are Imagine a solutions, Design the solution, create the solution, and then be inspired by the solution to solve another problem. It's not a linear problem, its circular, as the inspiration of a good solution, or a bad solutions, triggers imagining a solution to a new problem. And the cycle starts again. From an early age...I have had a desire to make things, and to take things apart... to learn... to understand... and explain... how things work... One of my greatest strengths is my abilty to spot patterns... I heard a quote from someone in the "gifted community" who said... "Once is a Pattern..."... I can relate to that... and I am hear to share some of the patterns I have discovered in my 50 plus years of "solving Problems"

To describe me as "curious" would be an understatement... insatiable is closer... pretty much everything intrigues me... except small talk...

I do have may abilities... and at least one curious lack of ability... I am face blind... I have no ability to recognize or remember faces.. which from my observations... 95% of the population does without even thinking about it.

Tag Lines

Solve a problem!!! The process of solving a problem Success leaves clues... Sean Cannell... so does failure... Learning... weather it is a success or failure is immaterial. Success is proving what you knew... failure is the opportunity to learn something new...


  • Tips & Tricks
  • Creation
  • Imagine
  • Design
  • Create
  • Inspire
  • tactics
  • plans
  • planning