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I am putting this out to evaluate the idea, design, fabricating techniques, and experience with use. I am not suggesting, recommending or endorsing anything.

The first directive is the Hippocratic oath... To make sure we are not doing more HARM than GOOD.

IF YOU ARE A RESEARCHER AND YOU KNOW OF HOW THIS CAN CAUSE HARM... TO ANY MEDICAL CONDITION WE NEED TO HEAR FROM YOU!!!! If you add information, ideas, suggestions, please provide references, letters behind your name... or related work experience.

NOT intended to replace approved masks, but the preserve the supply of approved masks for medical situations, and provide the general public with some (minimal) protection.


  • Created a false sense of safety that causes people to avoid or ignore other measures.
  • Concentrates the virus (or other diseases) that allows it to survive longer, or be transmitted easier.
  • Takes resources away from more pressing matters.
  • The distribution of masks spreads the virus.
  • PET against the skin may cause problems.


Furnace filters contain HEPA material that claims to trap very small particles. This material is readily available. Can we make a mask that uses this material to filter out viruses? PET is a food safe material used in food packaging and bottle manufacturing. Can we reuse this material to make the mask and filter holder?

  1. 3d print or CNC the form.
  2. Cut apart pop bottles to get sheets of PET.
  3. Tape sheet to frame with packing tape.
  4. Heat the PET in Oven
  5. Form the PET using your vacuum cleaner.
  6. Cut out the parts with scissors.
  7. Cut apart a furnace filter.
  8. Fold the filter media.
  9. Place media in filter.
  10. snap cover on filter.
  11. Attach to face with elastic material (shoe strings will work)
  12. Remove and dispose of filter. Wash with warm soapy water.
  13. Reuse.


  • How will restricting the airflow as the virus reduce the function of the lungs.
  • How much air flow is required?
    • what is the volume, speed, pressure and duration of normal breathing?
    • what is the volume, speed, pressure and duration of a Cough?
    • what is the volume, speed, pressure and duration of a Sneeze?

How with the "extra air volume in the mask (re-breathing what you exhausted) affect "oxygen transfer in the lungs?

  • What are the design criteria of approve masks?
  • What are the filtering capabilities (limitations) of the HEPA filter material.
    • What criteria are we looking for?
    • What are the tradeoffs?
  • What are the different face sizes configurations. How many sizes will be needed?
  • How to measure, evaluate leakage.


Moulds can be made my anyone with CNC, 3D printer. Machine shops can make moulds. Can vacuum forming industry make these? Can HEPA filter people make filters to size?


  1. How to get the message out?
  2. Who approves/ prohibits something like this?
  3. Recall mechanism... if it causes problems.
  4. How to promote with causing Fear?
  5. How to reduce the Fear, and have people honestly and accurately evaluate the design.

To Do

  • Research HEPA materials and required properties
  • Risks With PET
  • Research Risks associated with Masks.
  • Make Solid model of Mask Shape
  • Make Prototype
  • Develop Testing Criteria
  • Develop Test Procedure

Ontario Together

Submission to Ontario Together includes: This is it for what needs to be submitted - no photos that I can see or videos more just written idea.

  1. Business #
  2. Name of Contact person
  3. Role or Title
  4. Phone Number
  5. Email Address
  6. Scenario 1 Mental Health Services
  7. Scenario 2 Supply Chain Resilience
  8. Explanation of proposed idea
  9. How will it help fight virus
  10. References to other examples (ie. Barrie article I referred to)
  11. Suggested contractual arrangement with government and procurement model to deliver this proposal
  12. Risks?
  13. Summary 1200 words max
Write the summary here
next line
  1. Estimated costs
  2. Timeline to deliver 100 words
  3. Timeline to deliver on your proposal availability and lead time
  4. Explain Benefits and who will be helped 500 words
  5. Conflict of Interest
  6. Is there any thing we can do to help implement solution?