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Imagine Design Create Inspire


How do you solve a problem??? look for Inspiration, Imagine a solution, design the solution and create the solution... Over the years of solving problems... and noticing the patterns... I have summarized the problem solving process as 4 step circular process... Once a problem is identified, the steps are Imagine a solutions, Design the solution, create the solution, and then be inspired by the solution to solve another problem. It's not a linear process, its circular, as the inspiration of a good solution, or a bad solutions, triggers imagining a solution to a new problem. And the cycle starts again.

From an early age...I have had a desire to make things, and to take things apart... to learn... to understand... and explain... how things work...

To describe me as "curious" would be an understatement... insatiable is closer... pretty much everything intrigues me... except small talk...

The experience, skill and knowledge I demonstrate in these videos have been gathered, honed, exercised, nurtured and grown from years of experience, and learning and recognizing the patterns...

One of my greatest strengths is my ability to spot patterns... I heard a quote from someone in the "gifted community" who said... "Once is a Pattern..."... I can relate to that... and I am here to share some of the patterns I have discovered in my 50 plus years of "solving problems" better known as making things.

as many people have said, You don't become good a something my doing it once... and you don't stay good at it without exercising it. I've learned many of the things from listening to people, and observing people over the years and now I want to share some of them with you.

I do have may abilities... and at least one curious lack of ability... I am face blind... I have no ability to recognize or remember faces.. which from my observations... 95% of the population does without even thinking about it.

Tag Lines

Solve a problem!!! The process of solving a problem Success leaves clues... Sean Cannell... so does failure... Learning... weather it is a success or failure is immaterial. Success is proving what you knew... failure is the opportunity to learn something new...


  • Tips & Tricks
  • Creation
  • Imagine
  • Design
  • Create
  • Inspire
  • tactics
  • plans
  • planning
  • problem solver
  • creator
  • maker
  • DIY
  • ideas
  • innovative
  • solutions