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Testing Standards and Requirements

ISO Digital Headform Sizes

The National Personal Protective Technology Labratory (NPPTL) has NIOSH Anthropometric Data and ISO Digital Headforms available in .stl .ply and .igs format. The five nominal sizes are:

  • Small
  • Medium
  • Large
  • Long/Narrow
  • Short/Wide

The headforms will be available from NIOSH for those who complete the data use agreements. To obtain the digital headforms or more information, please contact Dr. Ziqing Zhuang at .

This ISO standard is available for purchase ISO/TS 16976-2:2015(en) Respiratory protective devices — Human factors — Part 2: Anthropometrics

This ISO standard is available online and for free as part of the Covid19 response ISO/TS 16976-8:2013(en) Respiratory protective devices — Human factors — Part 8: Ergonomic factors

NIOSH Testing Procedure Head Classifaction Size

The Facepiece Fit Test procedure requires the participants to be classified by size and provides a chart and a procedure to classify the 10 different sizes. See pages 10 and 11 of the Determination of Qualitative Isoamyl Acetate (IAA) Facepiece Fit Test

Contact with Skin

The standard is available for free as part of the COVID response ISO 10993-1:2018 Biological Evaluation Of Medical Devices - Part 1: Evaluation And Testing Within A Risk Management Process

This document applies to evaluation of materials and medical devices that are expected to have direct or indirect contact with:

— the patient's body during intended use;

— the user's body, if the medical device is intended for protection (e.g., surgical gloves, masks and others).

Filter Requirements

The website has the technical requirements for the N95 masks I created a screen capture of the table at this link

N95 Spec Typical
Filter Performance >=95%
Test Agent NaCl
Flow Rate 85 l/min
Inward leakage <=8%
Inhalation Resistance <=343 Pa
Flow Rate 85 l/min
Exhalation Resistance <=245 Pa

Face Fit Test Procedures

The CDC has Standard Respirator Testing Procedures has test procedures for:

ISC Technology Readiness Level Scale

ISC is Innovative Solutions Canada They have a chart that defines the stages of development. Technology Readiness Levels (TRL) describe the different stages of pre-commercial development. Find TRL 1 to 9 definitions, descriptions and examples.

Currently 2020-4-17 at between levels 5.TRL and 6.TRL . Funding is looking for projects in the 7.TRL to 9.TRL

Innovative Solutions Canada

Accelerate your journey to market

Innovative Solutions Canada helps Canadian innovators by funding R&D and testing prototypes in real-life settings. We have two streams with a combined funding of over $140 million dedicated to Canadian innovators who want to start, grow, and get to market.

Innovative Solutions Canada is a website that lists Open funding opportunities with closing dates for things like:

Test in Cough Chamber

Found this article on web Scientists built 'cough chamber' to see how far droplets actually travel

What researchers at Western University, in collaboration with virologists from Toronto's Sunnybrook Hospital, found is that when someone coughs without covering their mouth, the germ-laden cloud of fine mist they release will not only travel two metres in three seconds, it will continue to travel beyond and even float in the air within that two-metre area for up to three minutes after being released.

Need to find out if they can test our masks.